Cesarean Sections Over 100 Years 1920–2020:
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Cesarean delivery occurs in 1 in 3 women in the US, and in up to 4 of 5 women in some regions of the world. The cesarean delivery rate increased steadily from 5% to 30–32% from 2010 - 2020, along with an increase in costs as well as short- and long-term complications. What was once used as a last resort, is now the default procedure in many cases, even though it leads to complications.
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Uterine incision closure:
Is it the culprit in the cesarean scar niche and related complications?
Classic c-section closure techniques are linked to the development of scars which lead to complications during and after deliver in a woman's later pregnacies. Dr. Clarel Antoine, Rx Compassion's Founder & Board Chair, recommends more modern, alternative techniques.
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The Impact of Uterine Incision Closure Techniques on Post-cesarean Delivery Niche Formation and Size
This study of 45 women demonstrates a connection between different hysterotomy techniques and future complications. Specifically, the endometrium-free uterine closure technique is much safer.
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Origin of a Post–Cesarean Delivery Niche:
Diagnosis, Pathophysiologic Characteristics, and Video Documentation
This study demonstrates that classic c-section closure techniques do correlate with niche development along the incision site, which is a risk factor for placenta accreta and other complications. This suggests a need for new techniques, including endometrium-free uterine closure (EFCT).
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Endometrium-free uterine closure technique and abnormal placental implantation in subsequent pregnancies
In 727 women, endometrium-free uterine closure technique led to zero (0) implantations of the placenta along the cesarean scar. Additionally, even in repeat cesarian deliveries, there was virtually no maternal hemorrhaging, postoperative complications, or neonatal complications. This makes a very strong case for adopting EFCT on a more widespread basis.
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