Rx Compassion's
Wall of Compassion

Is there a doctor, PA, nurse, doula, midwife, family member or friend who has shown you compassion on your maternal health journey?
Are you a partner of someone who had a c-section?
Share your story on Rx Compassion's Wall of Compassion.
The world needs more compassion in maternal health. Rx Compassion's Wall of Compassion provides an opportunity to shine the light on those who are providing compassionate care, both professionally and personally.
Rx Compassion's
Wall of Compassion
Dr. Clarel Antoine, M.D.
“Dr. Clarel Antoine was my OBGYN due to my high-risk pregnancy
after a history of infertility. I respected and appreciated him more
and more with every prenatal appointment, culminating in an
exceptional c-section and quick recovery. While I felt fortunate to
have been under his care, it seems unfair that other mothers do not
get the same care and seamless c-section recovery.”
— Elizabeth Dishi,
An anonymous patient's midwife
"My midwife during my 40 hour labor & successful VBAC"
Dr. Sasha Hernandez
"I am so thankful for the care I received during this pregnancy. Last year I lost my baby 2 days after his birth and was so scared to give birth this year and loose another baby. From the beginning, my doctor spent a lot of time counseling me about my options with this delivery given that my baby was breech. We discussed at length doing a version to turn the baby and attempt a vaginal delivery versus a c-section. I felt very informed and empowered to make my own decision and I decided to have a c-section. I feel so grateful for Dr. Hernandez who was with me every step of the way during my c-section as well as afterwards both in the hospital and at home. I have a healthy baby girl and feel so thankful for the care I received this pregnancy”
- Augustina, patient